
국제투명성기구 한국본부


Transparency International-Korea

게시물 상세
[보도자료] TI에서 아태지역 반부패 실천계획 환영 성명
작성자 : TI-Korea(  작성일 : 2020-09-07   조회수 : 254
첨부파일 20011217_[보도자료] TI에서 아태지역 반부패 실천계획 환영 성명.hwp

[보도자료] TI에서 아태지역 반부패 실천계획 환영 성명

올린이: 김거성


Dear All,
The following press release was issued by TI-Secretariat last week.

Best regards,
Jana Kotalik
Press Office


TI welcomes Asian and Pacific governmentsnew move against corruption

Implementation is the key to the success of the Anti-Corruption Action
Plan endorsed by 17 Asian and Pacific countries, says NGO

Berlin, 10 December 2001 --- Transparency International (TI) the
leading anti-corruption NGO with its national chapters in Asia-Pacific
will support the implementation by 17 governments of a new regional
action plan adopted on 30 November in Tokyo. The joint Anti-Corruption
Action Plan for Asia and the Pacific which focuses on identifying
national priorities for action by governments was endorsed at the end
of the Third Annual Conference of the ADB/OECD Anti-Corruption Initiative for Asia-Pacific. The Pacific Basin Economic Council
(PBEC)and key donors including the Asian Development Bank and the World
are also committed to supporting the plan.

It is essential to have a regional dialogue which brings together all
of the key actors concerned with corruption,said Tunku Abdul Aziz, TI
Vice-Chairman and head of TI-Malaysia. he new plan is a first step in
giving substance to this dialogue.He continued: I welcomes the
prominent role reserved in the plan for NGOs and the private sector in
raising public awareness and encouraging reform. Civil society has an
important watchdog role to play.

Under the new action plan, governments will choose two or three
priorities from a comprehensive list of anti-corruption proposals to
meet their particular needs. he plan must be fully implemented by the
countries whose governments have endorsed it,stressed Tunku Aziz.
Margit van Ham, TI executive director for Asia-Pacific, added: t would
be useful to couple country-specific action plans with a regular
national anti-corruption round table discussion, involving government,
business and civil society and supported by adequate access to

information,she said. TI also recommends that actions be taken by
countries to reduce the supply side of corruption, including bribery by
their companies abroad. he OECD Anti-Bribery Convention is already a
basis for such reform,said Tunku Aziz.

In addition to countries determining their own national strategies,
Transparency International recommends identifying priorities for
collective action at a regional level. ffective regional initiatives
might include developing guidelines for access to information, providing
mutual assistance in investigation and anti-corruption enforcement, and
co-operating on the seizure and recovery of the proceeds of corruption
across national borders,said TI Board Member Peter Rooke.

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