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Transparency International-Korea

게시물 상세
[보도자료] Activists Say Freedom of Information Aids in the Fight Corruption
작성자 : TI-Korea(  작성일 : 2020-09-07   조회수 : 304
첨부파일 20050712_[보도자료] Activists Say Freedom of Information Aids in the Fight Corruption.hwp

[Press Release] Activists Say Freedom of Information Aids in the Fight Corruption

올린이: GS Kim Director of the United Kingdom’s Freedom of Information and International Privacy Program, David Banisar, argued this morning (June 10) that countries that have enacted legislation guaranteeing access to information are more efficient and less vulnerable to corruption. “These laws improve the quality of government administration.”

According to Mr. Banisar, there is a current among experts that sees a correlation between countries that have adopted legislation on access to information and a clear reduction in government misconduct and wrongdoing. In citing the cases of Finland, Norway and Sweden, Mr. Banisar said, “The three countries have adopted laws guaranteeing access to information and are less corrupt than other countries.” He went on to add, “This is a new element in the fight against corruption. Some government leaders have to be more careful because their acts could surface at any time.”

As an example, Mr. Banisar made reference to the current political situation in Quebec. “The government is struggling to stay in power after reports that government officials had channeled US$ 700 million in embezzled funds to their supporters,” he said. The scheme came to light because Canadian law requires periodic audits of government accounts.

Vonda Brown, Program Associate of Transparency and Accountability at the Open Society Institute in the United States, echoed other participants in arguing that freedom of information is an important tool in the fight against corruption. The activist noted that a majority of countries have recognized the need to adopt laws on the issue indeed many have enshrined right to access information in their constitutions. However, the effort to ensure the effective implementation of this legislation must continue. “There has been a shift in the culture. In the past five years, a majority of countries have adopted specific legislation. Yet many have not have not followed up with effective implementation,” she said.

Peter Noorlander, of the British NGO Article 19 Global Campaign for Free expression, maintained that governments should work toward the effective implementation of legislation on access to information.

The activists took part in the third session of the Civil Society workshop titled “Improving Access to Information.” The Secretary-General of Transparency International - Korea, Geo-Sung Kim, chaired the session, while the Operations Director of Transparency International Brazil, Ana Luiza Fleck, served as rapporteur.

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